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 Moon Fairy and Night Shadow Sage/Demon Skills

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Moon Fairy and Night Shadow Sage/Demon Skills Empty
PostSubject: Moon Fairy and Night Shadow Sage/Demon Skills   Moon Fairy and Night Shadow Sage/Demon Skills EmptySat Nov 22, 2014 12:30 pm

Translation for Moon Fairy and Night Shadow skills. It's in Russian, but I use google translator to translate it. Some might be off, but it shouldn't be that much off. I will divide the skills based on cultivation.


Credit to Mars-Morai for Russian translation.

Moon Fairy

Level 1-8 skills

Lunar Light Wing (learned at level 1)

Cast range: 27 meters
MP cost: 192
Channeling: 1.2 seconds
Cast time: 0.8 seconds
Cooldown: 1.0 seconds
Gives 10 chi

Inflict 90% base damage plus 120% weapon damage plus 3254.0 metal damage. Gives thunderous sphere. After transformation deals 33% more damage.
Can be used in motion.

SAGE: 20% chance to gain 30 chi
DEMON: Damage increased by 1200

May Quote (learned at level 4)

Cast range: 27 meters
MP cost: 200
Channeling: 1.0 seconds
Cast time: 1.0 seconds
Cooldown: 1.0 seconds
Gives 10 chi

Inflict 90% base damage plus 120% of weapon damage plus 3580 water damage. Reduce channeling time by 20% for 5 sec. Gives ice sphere. After transformation deals 33% more damage.
Can be used in motion.

SAGE: Reduce channeling time by 25%
DEMON: The duration of channeling time is increased to 6 sec

Level 9-18 skills

Transformation (learned at level 9)

Cast range: self-cast
MP cost: 303
Channeling: instant
Cast time: instant
Cooldown: 90.0 seconds
Cost 30 chi

Transform into a demon. Increases movement speed by 20%. Physical defense is increased by 300%. Lasts for 30 seconds. Increases the damage done by the skill in motion.

SAGE: The transformation duration is increased to 32 seconds
DEMON: Cooldown is reduced to 85.0 seconds

Moonlight Quote (learned at level 13)

Cast range: 27 meters
MP cost: 211
Channeling: 1.5 seconds
Cast time: 1.0 seconds
Cooldown: 12.0 seconds
Gives 10 chi

Inflicts 90% base damage plus 170 % weapon damage plus 5555 water damage. Depending on the amount of ice spheres, imposes mill for at least 3 seconds for 5 seconds maximum. Gives the ice sphere. After transformation deals 33% more damage.
Can be used in motion.

SAGE: The channeling time is reduced to 1.3 seconds
DEMON: The mill lasts for at least 4 seconds

Cloudy Wing (learned at level 17)

Cast range: 27 meters
MP cost: 222
Channeling: 1.5 seconds
Cast time: 1.0 seconds
Cooldown: 6.0 seconds
Gives 10 chi

Inflict 90% base damage plus 170% weapon damage plus 5887 metal damage. Depending on the number of thunderous spheres, reduces target's magic defense at least 30% for a maximum of 40 % for 10 seconds. Gives thunderous sphere. After transformation deals 33% more damage.
Can be used in motion.

SAGE: The channeling time is reduced to 1.3 seconds
DEMON: Reduces target's magic defense by a maximum of 45%

Level 19-28 skills

Lunar Chord (learned at level 19)

Cast range: self-cast
MP cost: 120
Channeling: 0.2 seconds
Cast time: 0.3 seconds
Cooldown: 60.0 seconds
Cost 30 chi

Increases movement speed by 55% and gives antistun for 10 seconds.

SAGE: Duration of antistun is increased to 12 seconds
DEMON: Increases movement speed by 65%

Tide Quote (learned at level 22)

Cast range: 9 meters
MP cost: 347
Channeling: 1.5 seconds
Cast time: 1.0 seconds
Cooldown: 10.0 seconds
Gives 10 chi

Within a radius of 12 m around the target, deals base damage plus 170 % weapon damage plus 4860 water damage. Knockback monsters and players around Moon Fairy to 9 meters. If you have a combination of 1 and 2 thunderous ice spheres, knockback 2 meters farther. Gives the ice sphere.

SAGE: Channeling time is reduced to 1.2 seconds
DEMON: Range is increased to 15 meters radius

Sound Wing (learned at level 25)

Cast range: 27 meters
MP cost: 355
Channeling: 1.5 seconds
Cast time: 1.0 seconds
Cooldown: 10.0 seconds
Gives 10 chi

Within a radius of 12 m around the target, deals base damage plus 170 % weapon damage plus 5184 metal damage. Reduces the target's attack speed by 20% and increases target's channeling time by 12%. If you have a combination of 1 and 2 ice sphere thunder, it reduces the target's attack speed by 35% and increases target's channeling time by 20%. Gives thunderous sphere.

SAGE: Inflicts 15% weapon damage plus 5184 metal damage over 9 sec
DEMON: Range is increased to 15 meters radius

Level 29-38 skills

Reverse Yin and Yang (learned at level 29)

Cast range: self-cast
MP cost: 80
Channeling: instant
Cast time: instant
Cooldown: 30.0 seconds
Costs 30 chi

Replaces the ice sphere with the thunderous sphere and the thunderous sphere with the ice sphere.

SAGE: Doesn't cost chi
DEMON: 30% chance to gain 1 spark

Metal Mastery (learned at level 29)

Passive skill

Increases all metal-based damage by 20%.

SAGE: Increases all metal-based damage by 25%
DEMON: Increases critical hit rate by 1%

Water Mastery (learned at level 29)

Passive skill

Increases all water-based damage by 20%.

SAGE: Increases all water-based damage by 25%
DEMON: Increases critical hit rate by 1%

Full Moon (learned at level 33)

Cast range: 18 meters
MP cost: 401
Channeling: 1.5 seconds
Cast time: 1.0 seconds
Cooldown: 10.0 seconds
Gives 15 chi

Attacks all targets in 20 meters line with a width of 4 meters (cone-shaped?). Inflicts base damage plus 170 % weapon damage plus 5400 metal damage. Gives thunderous sphere.

SAGE: Inflicts 10% more base damage plus 5400 metal damage.
DEMON: Has 30% chance to reduce all damage taken by 30 % for 5 seconds.

Water Word (learned at level 33)

Cast range: 18 meters
MP cost: 401
Channeling: 0.9 seconds
Cast time: 1.6 seconds
Cooldown: 10.0 seconds
Gives 15 chi

Attacks all targets in 20 meters line with a width of 4 meters. Deals base damage plus 180% weapon damage plus 5442 water damage. Hits 3 times. Has 33% chance to immobilize targets for 2 seconds. If immobilize did not work, then it slows movement speed by 50%. Gives ice sphere.

SAGE: Cooldown is reduced to 9 seconds
DEMON: Attacks all targets in 30 meters line with a width of 5 meters

Lunar Flurry (learned at level 36)

Cast range: 27 meters
MP cost: 276
Channeling: 1.1 seconds
Cast time: 2.1 seconds
Cooldown: 15.0 seconds
Costs 50 chi

This skill hits 4 times. Deals base damage plus 250% weapon damage plus 7239 water damage. After transformation cooldown is reduced to 9 seconds. Can be used in motion.

SAGE: 25% chance to cause the target to take 25% more damage for 5 seconds
DEMON: 25% chance to restore the health by 10% plus 724 magic attack

Level 39-48 skills

Bone Poison (learned at level 39)

Cast range: 27 meters
MP cost: 276
Channeling: 1.5 seconds
Cast time: 1.0 seconds
Cooldown: 30.0 seconds
Costs 30 chi

Paralyzes target for 1 second every 3 seconds for 9 seconds. Gives thunderous sphere.

SAGE: Channeling time is reduced to 1.3 seconds
DEMON: Cooldown is reduced to 27.0 seconds

Cool Care (learned at level 39)

Cast range: 14 meters
MP cost: 635
Channeling: 1.5 seconds
Cast time: 1.3 seconds
Cooldown: 3.0 seconds
Gives 20 chi

Within a radius of 16 m, buff yourself and your party members to reduce the damage taken by 22% for 30 minutes. If you switch map, the buff disappears. Gives ice sphere.

SAGE: 25% chance to get 1 spark
DEMON: Increases defense level by 15 for 15 seconds

Fireball (learned at level 44)

Cast range: 14 meters
MP cost: 635
Channeling: 2.0 seconds
Cast time: 0.8 seconds
Cooldown: 10.0 seconds
Gives 15 chi

Within a radius of 10 m from the target, deals base damage plus 220 % weapon damage plus 7190 metal damage. For 15 seconds, if target's hp dropped to 25%, it deals base damage plus 25% weapon damage plus 7190 metal damage. Gives thunderous sphere.

SAGE: The effect damage is increased by 3200
DEMON: The added effect lasts for 30.0 seconds

Frosty the Sky (learned at level 44)

Cast range: 27 meters
MP cost: 414
Channeling: 1.3 seconds
Cast time: 1.1 seconds
Cooldown: 10.0 seconds
Gives 15 chi

Within a radius of 10 m from the target, deals base damage plus 170 % weapon damage plus 6820 water damage. Interrupts skills and slows the target's movement speed by 30% for 4 seconds. Has 33% chance to immobilize target for 3 seconds. Gives ice sphere.

SAGE: Slows the target's movement speed by 70%
DEMON: Immobilized chance is increased to 70%

Level 49-58 skills

Frosty Storm Operation (learned at level 49)

Cast range: 27 meters
MP cost: 221
Channeling: 1.0 seconds
Cast time: 0.7 seconds
Cooldown: 3.0 seconds

Inflicts 80% base damage plus 90% weapon damage plus 3166 water damage. Imposes a damage over time that deals 20% weapon damage plus 1583 metal and water damage for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times. After transformation deals 33% more damage, and reduces the cooldown by 1 second.

Can be used in motion.

SAGE: Damage over time duration is increased to 18 seconds
DEMON: Damage is increased by 25%

Frosty Thunder (learned at level 49)

Cast range: 27 meters
MP cost: 331
Channeling: 1.9 seconds
Cast time: 1.6 seconds
Cooldown: 30.0 seconds
Costs 75 chi

Deals base damage plus 290% weapon damage plus 6591 metal damage.

SAGE: Damage is increased by 4800
DEMON: Channeling time is reduced to 1.7 seconds

Cold Step (learned at level 51)

Cast range: 27 meters
MP cost: 276
Channeling: 0.5 seconds
Cast time: 0.9 seconds
Cooldown: 60.0 seconds
Costs 30 chi

Deals 20% weapon damage plus 624 metal damage. If the target is not moving, damage is not applied. The greater the distance to the target, the more damage it receives. Lasts for 12 seconds.

SAGE: Cooldown is reduced to 57.0 seconds
DEMON: The skill lasts for 13.0 seconds

Polar Storm (learned at level 53)

Cast range: 27 meters
MP cost: 431
Channeling: 1.0 seconds
Cast time: 1.5 seconds
Cooldown: 18.0 seconds
Costs 30 chi

Deals base damage plus 170% weapon damage plus 6910 metal damage. If you have all three thunderous spheres or 3 ice spheres, deals 25% more damage. Gives thunderous sphere.

SAGE: If you have all three thunderous spheres or 3 ice spheres, deals 35% more damage.
DEMON: Increase metal damage by 6910 for 12 seconds

Polar Ice Storm (learned at level 53)

Cast range: 27 meters
MP cost: 431
Channeling: 1.0 seconds
Cast time: 1.5 seconds
Cooldown: 18.0 seconds
Costs 30 chi

Deals base damage plus 170% weapon damage plus 6910 water damage. If you have all three thunderous spheres or 3 ice spheres, deals 25% more damage. Gives ice sphere.

SAGE: If you have all three thunderous spheres or 3 ice spheres, deals 35% more damage.
DEMON: 30% chance to (camp goals?) for 3 seconds.

Level 59-68 skills

Aria Silver (learned at level 59)

Cast range: 27 meters
MP cost: 297
Channeling: 1.0 second
Cast time: continuous until cancelled
Cooldown: 5.0 seconds
Costs 1.5 sparks

Every 1.3 seconds, deals 44% base damage plus 150 % weapon damage plus 8855 metal and water damage. Increases the damage of the moving targets by 1%, stacks up to 15%. Reduces target's movement speed by 80% and flight speed by 20%. Active until the skill is cancelled or the caster's/target's die.

SAGE: Restores 5 chi for each hit
DEMON: Restores 3% HP for each hit

Dang Di Soul (learned at level 59)

Cast range: 27 meters
MP cost: 594
Channeling: 3.5 seconds
Cast time: 1.4 seconds
Cooldown: 30.0 seconds
Costs 2 sparks

Within a radius of 10 m from the target, deals base damage plus 230% weapon damage plus 5694 metal damage.
Inflicts additional effects depending on the spheres:
3 thunder: Inflicts base damage plus 230% weapon damage plus 5694 damage as phys damage.
3 ice: Immobilize for 4 seconds.
1 thunder, 2 ice: Increases the damage of the skill by 30% for 20 seconds.
2 ice, 1 thunder: Restores HP by half and reduces damage taken by 40% for 6 seconds.

Debuff lasts for 30 seconds during which has 25% chance of activating extra skill effects.

SAGE: Doesn't cost sparks
DEMON: The channeling time is reduced to 2.5 seconds. Cost 1 spark.

Misty Family (learned at level 59)

Passive skill

Reduces damage taken from auto attacks by 65%. Reduces damage taken from melee skills by 25%.

SAGE: Reduces damage taken from auto attacks by 68%. Reduces damage taken from melee skills by 26%.
DEMON: Increase critical hit rate by 1%

Lunar Body (learned at level 60)

Cast range: self-cast
MP cost: 356
Channeling: 1.0 seconds
Cast time: 6.0 seconds
Cooldown: 180.0 seconds
Gives 30 chi

Restores HP to full. During the casting time, Moon Fairy is immuned to debuffs, and also reduces damage taken by 75%. 2 seconds after casting, Moon Fairy is immuned to damage and restores HP to full again.

SAGE: Reduces damage taken during the casting time by 80%
DEMON: Immunity time is increased to 4 seconds

Sacrificial Whirlwind (learned at level 61)

Cast range: 27 meters
MP cost: 535
Channeling: 0.4 seconds
Cast time: 1.0 seconds
Cooldown: 43.5 seconds
Costs 1 spark

Summons a vortex that reels-in enemies every 3 seconds within a radius of 12 meters for 12 seconds. Gives ice sphere.

SAGE: Reel-in time is reduced to every 2.4 seconds
DEMON: Radius is increased to 15 meters

Collapse (learned at level 61)

Cast range: 27 meters
MP cost: 428
Channeling: 0.4 seconds
Cast time: 1.0 seconds
Cooldown: 30.0 seconds
Costs 1 spark

Summons a vortex that deals 150% weapon damage plus 1752 metal damage per second within a radius of 12 meters. (There are 12 seconds in his full imun but not Agrīts?) . Gives thunderous sphere.

SAGE: Cooldown is reduced to 27.0 seconds
DEMON: Damage is increased by 800

Level 79 skills

Elusive (learned at level 79)

Cast range: self-cast
MP cost: 118.5
Channeling: 0.3 seconds
Cast time: 0.5 seconds
Cooldown: 120.0 seconds
Gives 20 chi

Creates a clone of yourself for 20 seconds. The clone can attack the enemies. The clone has their own skills along with a self-heal skill.

Morai skills

Sacrificial Rite (learned at level 89)

Cast range: self-cast
MP cost: 320
Channeling: 1.3 seconds
Cast time: 1.0 seconds
Cooldown: 90.0 seconds
Costs 1 spark

Reduces Moon Fairy's physical and magic defenses by 100% to increase physical and magic defense of party members by 500% within a radius of 15 meters for 15 seconds.
Can be used in motion.

Cloudless Month (learned at level 89)

Cast range: self-cast
MP cost: 320
Channeling: 0.5 seconds
Cast time: 1.0 seconds
Cooldown: 90.0 seconds
Costs 30 chi

(Disposable immune to disagreement within 1 minute?) <= Can't figure out what this means. My guess is this skill works like Deaden Nerves (Moon's Fairy can't be 1 shotted while having this buff on).

Master Braids (learned at level 89)

Cast range: self-cast
MP cost: 400
Channeling: instant
Cast time: instant
Cooldown: 90.0 seconds
Costs 50 chi

Increases the range of the next skill cast by 15 meters.

Celestial skills

Fall Months (learned at level 100)

Cast range: 27 meters
MP cost: 416
Channeling: 2.0 seconds
Cast time: 1.0 seconds
Cooldown: 180.0 seconds
Costs 15 chi

Deals base damage plus 240% weapon damage plus 9455.0.
Reduces damage from metal and water-based skills by 100 % for 6 seconds, (can not we be scattered abroad?). Each thunder or ice sphere increases the duration of up to 3 seconds.

Jade Gift (learned at level 100)

Cast range: self-cast
MP cost: 594
Channeling: instant
Cast time: instant
Cooldown: 180.0 seconds

Restores 400 (fury? = MP) for 20 seconds.
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