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 MapleStory Thief Edition

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Location : NY
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Join date : 2009-07-11

MapleStory Thief Edition Empty
PostSubject: MapleStory Thief Edition   MapleStory Thief Edition EmptyThu Aug 28, 2014 3:42 pm

An old game made by Nexon. This game is made for iPhone/iPod (I don't think there's any for Android, but I could be wrong). Anyways, I play it on my iPod.

Following the success of MapleStory MMO PC games, Nexon released MapleStory Thief Edition. The gameplay is very similar with the PC games, which is doing quests involving killing X amount of mobs, collecting item drops from mobs, talk to NPC from one place to another, kill bosses, and the infamous jump quest (JQ).

Background Story

Robin, a rookie who dreamed of becoming the greatest thief in the Maple World, was wandering around Henesys. As usual, he was always running from pigs instead of killing them. Then, he met Roy, his warrior friend, along the way. He suggested that Robin should see his master so that Robin could become the greatest thief in the Maple World. Robin did and followed the master training. One day, the master was kidnapped by an evil witch called Malady. Malady resided deep inside Ant Tunnel. Robin determined to save his master, so he went ahead and fought Malady. He won and managed to save his master. However, his master was injured really badly. So, he traveled around Ossyria to find a cure for his master.

In Ossyria, he met Humanoid. Humanoid is a robot made by Alcadno Association in Magatia. However, Humanoid wants to be a human because he believes he can make friends and do all the things that humans can do. The quests keep progressing. In the end, Robin found out the secret about the fight between Zanumist and Alcadno, aaand....

I'll just leave it there ^^
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