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 Caster's Stat Comparison

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Caster's Stat Comparison Empty
PostSubject: Caster's Stat Comparison   Caster's Stat Comparison EmptyFri May 23, 2014 1:36 pm

So I was bored today and decided to play around with PWCalc. Since my last post was about skill damage, now I'm doing the stat comparison of each caster class. I know for a fact that Veno has higher base HP and lower base MP vs other casters. Veno's spark also do not give -channeling (demon spark) and 25% damage reduction (sage spark). Instead, it gives both phys attack and mag attack increase.

To start off, I'm going to post a PWCalc based on standard gears people have nowadays: full T3+5 Gift of the Seraph set, warsong phys def belt, cube necky pdef, r8 ring, and Dark Flower Spirit Ring (cheap mold ring). Weapon used is Sandy World since this weapon works for every class nicely. Psychic uses T3 soulsphere, Buddha's Hatred. Stats are pre-rb at level 100, pure mag build, all flawless citrine shards on armors (3 sockets each), flawless sapphire on weapon (1 socket). Stats I'm interested on are mostly HP, MP, Pdef, Mdef, P atk, and M atk. All Sandy's users will have 1.25 aps. Soulsphere gives 0.91 aps. All stats unbuffed.


HP/MP: 6062/11273
Pdef/Mdef: 2208/12645
P atk: 1551-2068
M atk: 12336-14261


HP/MP: 6062/11273
Pdef/Mdef: 2208/12645
P atk: 1551-2068
M atk: 12336-14261


HP/MP: 6597/9759
Pdef/Mdef: 2208/12645
P atk: 1607-2124
M atk: 12,073-13,998


HP/MP: 6062/11273
Pdef/Mdef: 2208/12645
P atk: 1551-2068
M atk: 12336-14261


HP/MP: 6062/11273
Pdef/Mdef: 2208/12645
P atk: 1734-2004
M atk: 11,150-13,793

From this comparison: Wizard, Cleric, and Mystic have exactly same stats when wearing exact same armors, wep, and ornies. Veno has slightly higher HP and slightly lower MP compared to those 3. Veno also has surprisingly lower magic multiplier eventhough the veno is pure magic and wearing exact same thing as the others. Veno, on the other hand, has higher physical attack multiplier. Psychic is unable to use skills with magic weapon. Instead, they use soulsphere and surprise surprise? Buddha's Hatred has higher physical attack than Sandy World does (although the downside is lower aps with Sphere). Due to the nature of Soulsphere, the magic attack range on Psychic has larger gap than classes with Sandy.

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