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 Mystic Build

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Location : Bound and gagged in the basement
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Mystic Build Empty
PostSubject: Mystic Build   Mystic Build EmptySun Oct 16, 2011 12:01 am

Mystics stole their heal skills from clerics and they're not as good, they also stole their pets from Venomancers and these pets are also not as good. They are a mage-type class.

Attribute Points:

MAG - This is your main stat, it should be the highest.

STR - This is your secondary stat, you need 0.5 STR per level to equip your weapon.

VIT - This increases your HP recovery rate, keep it as low as possible if not left alone. I recommend a base of 10-20 if you're unfunded.

DEX - This stat is almost completely useless to you. If you choose to go light armor, you put some into it.


Pure Mag: This is the best build if you're funded and want high damage and high heal. If you get extra Str from equips other than your weapon, you can put into Mag instead to add more damage.

9 Mag 1 Str every two levels

Hybrid: This is probably the most common build. Most with this build cap their Vit at anywhere from 10-30, but the lower the better unless you die a lot.

6 Mag 1 Str 3 Vit every two levels

Light Armor: This is sacrificing damage for defense instead of adding Vit (HP) in normal builds. I would assume they will cap their Str and Dex somewhere.

6 Mag 2 Str 2 Dex every two levels


Attack Tree:

Nature's Vengeance - Your main spammable attack. Max asap.

Swirling Mist - Crappy DoT attack, don't waste points.

Absorb Soul - Pretty good attack, but doesn't affect some monsters, put in points when you have extra.

Gale Force - Also good, freezes and silences but again more of an end game move, pace it.

Bramble Tornado - Good knockback, as you add points just adds knockback. Okay skill, but not awesome.

Thicket - Insane damage, chance to silence and freeze. Max it!

Healing Tree:

Break in the Clouds - Your main healing skill as it's the fastest one you have, max it.

Falling Petals - Not nearly as good of a heal skill as it doesn't stack, but it heals a lot all at once. Good in emergencies, but other than that not really.

Resurrect - Obviously good!

Comforting Mist - Mass healing skill, not as good as cleric's, but if you're the only healer in the party it's good to have at least Lv1.

Summon Tree:

Devil Chihyu - Does Physical Melee damage, really good tank. You will probably want to max this as it's your only tank/aggro until level 59.

Storm Mistress - Long range metal damaging summon, up to you to level.

Salvation - A very defensive summon, up to you to level.

Cragglord - This summon has DoT skill and an AoE skill, very good... probably the best summon.

Plant Tree:

Punishing Sting - Deals physical damage, optional.

Befuddling Creeper - Deals moderate damage and debuffs, optional.

Spidervine - Moderate damage can cause Distract, Slow, Stupify, and Weaken enemies for 12 Seconds, optional.

Listless Blossom - Moderate damage can cause sleep.

Healing Herb - Heals the party members if they're close enough, would recommend a point can help sometimes especially if you're the only healer.

Vital Herb - Increase recovery rate... seems not that good, optional.


Verdant Shell - Gain resistance to wood, water, and physical damage, max it!

Wood Mastery - More damage! Max it!

Rapid Growth - Increases channeling and gives a bonus to magic attack, only lasts 8 seconds though, optional.

Energy Leech - Different summons give different effects, essential but not immediate. Put in when you have spare points.

Heal Summon - Max this! You don't want your summon dying.

Transference - Transfers your mana to your pet, essential, pace slowly.

Lysing - Summoned plants explode, leave it at level one.

Summon Information:

Last edited by Myst on Sat Oct 22, 2011 1:07 am; edited 1 time in total
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Mystic Build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mystic Build   Mystic Build EmptySun Oct 16, 2011 12:04 am

Ty Mel Mel!
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Mystic Build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mystic Build   Mystic Build EmptySun Oct 16, 2011 11:27 pm

Additional note:

To get plant skills and summon skills, you need to do quest (It's under normal quests, but bolded light blue). If you just do cultivation quest, the skills won't appear in mystic trainer..
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Mystic Build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mystic Build   Mystic Build EmptySun Oct 30, 2011 1:20 am

More info to the skills:

-Craglord only last 20 seconds and requires sparks to cast it
-Chihyu is good if the mobs don't do some crazy AoE attack.. Otherwise, Savy could've been a better summon for AoE mobs (just a guess atm, Savy at 39, gonna test her later)..
-Thicket is another summon that does attack.. I think you can summon it along with plants and pets..

Some skills are missing here, I remember I have MP recovery skill at level 79 (at least on Mystic Tree Skill).. Celestial Demon/Sage skills are not included either 0.o
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Mystic Build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mystic Build   Mystic Build EmptySun Oct 30, 2011 1:07 pm

Yeah, I was too lazy to include some stuff and those skills are high level. I figured by then someone would have that class up high enough to actually give useful information as things online aren't always correct or some people prefer different builds and such.
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Mystic Build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mystic Build   Mystic Build EmptySun Oct 30, 2011 10:32 pm

Yeah, people still have different opinions on builds and such, especially on summons part (Chihyu/Mistress/Savy) as perma summon.. Craglord is a no question, everyone loves him.. Most do Chihyu as main summon, although I've seen him kind of non-effective against AoE bosses.. Prefer Savy since Savy gives defense buff and not easily died like Chihyu.. Mistress is favorable by LA Mystic since she does higher damage compared to the other 2 (but only if she has enough chi to use skills, which just means mana burn)..

Healing Herb vs Vital Herb is stilll 50:50.. Some people saying that Healing Herb got destroyed too fast with AoE attack.. Those high levels prefer Vital Herb..

Sage vs Demon also still questionable.. Although other mages are better off as sages, Mystic is very exceptional.. Demon Mystic has some nice skills that is just balanced with Sage Mystic.. As for defense, Mystic doesn't have to worry too much since Savy gives defense buff + leech Savy means more defense + Verdant Shell (add to the defense, about the same as Cleric's physical defense buff) + Craglord do about same damage as Veno's Herc.. So, even when we are mages, we aren't that squishy and still do some nice damage..

Just to add that Thicket needs sparks, just like summoning Craglord..

No reason to go VIT build since I only die twice at non-instance (between lvl 1-34) as a pure mag and 10 vit cap (base 5 vit).. Compared to Psychic, I die 3x more on Psych.. Hell, even LA build is rendered useless since you barely taking damage (even if you do, you can just heal instantly with Cloud Break and no cooldown on heal).. LA suffers MP problem since they have less mag and this Earthguard class (actually both Seeker and Mystic) suffers MP problem terribly in this game..

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Mystic Build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mystic Build   Mystic Build EmptyTue Jul 31, 2012 3:27 am

Just to add to the skill changes that are not listed in the skill description..

Changes since Imperial Fury Update:

Gale Force
AoE range: 14 meters
Cast range: 12 meters (12 meters is the maximum distance between the Mystic and the mob that the Mystic targets. Every other untargeted mobs inside the 12 meters radius range will take the damage. Since the AoE range is 14 meters in radius, the other untargeted mobs outside the 12 meters range, but still in 14 meters radius range will also take the damage. Radius is calculated with the caster as the center of AoE.)

Gale Force
Cast range: 12 meters (12 meters is the maximum distance between the Mystic and the mob that the Mystic targets to activate this skill. However, whats different than before is that the mob that the closest to the Mystic will be the one that is set up as the 12 meters range. So, the mob that the Mystic targets will not take the damage at all if they are far over 14 meters radius range.)

I don't know if this is a glitch. SS would have been better. Also, this is quite hard to actually perform on a moving mob, since they naturally get closer to you once you hit them, making them inside the 14 meters radius and still got hit.

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Mystic Build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mystic Build   Mystic Build EmptySat Sep 13, 2014 10:58 am

Since Ecatomb going down soon, I'ma post sage/demon for mystic here:

*Nature's Vengeance:
SAGE: 20% chance to gain 40 chi upon channeling the skill (even if the skill is interrupted, you still gain chi, either 10 or 40 chi, depends whether the sage effect proc or not)
DEMON: deals 600 more damage

*Break in the Clouds:
SAGE: 25% chance to purify (from my experience, it's closer to 15% than it is to 25%. Although, my luck sucks so I might have been unlucky)
DEMON: 20% chance to gain 35 chi

*Swirling Mist (primal):
SAGE: deal 1800 more DoT damage
DEMON: 25% chance to reduce wood mdef by 15% for 6 seconds. The chance counts per mob, meaning.. if you hit multiple mobs with this skill, some mobs might have the debuffs and some do not since it's only 25% chance.

*Devil Chihyu (primal) / Storm Mistress / Salvation:
SAGE: reduce 10% of the user's/the mystic's mp cost (not the pet's mp cost) upon summoning one of the summons. To give a better explanation, the mp cost to summon Devil Chihyu is 840 mp. Since we have sage version, the mp cost is reduced by 10%. So, the mp cost to summon Devil is 90% * 840 mp = 756 mp.
DEMON: gain 30 chi upon summoning Devil

*Falling Petals:
SAGE: 35% chance to recover mp overtime for 6 seconds. Basically, the sage proc refunds the mp that you used to cast Falling Petals. The mp overtime buff can be purged.
DEMON: increase the duration of Falling Petals to 5 minutes. What this mean is that Falling Petals buff stays on the target until the target has been hit by some attack. After the target has been hit, Falling Petals will start to go off and heal the target for 9 seconds. For sage, the buff only stays for 1 minute, demon lasts for 5 minutes ONLY and ONLY IF the target hasn't been hit upon the 5 minutes duration. If you have experienced using Fortification Draught, the mechanic is exactly the same.

*Verdant Shell:
SAGE: increase base pdef by 100%. What this means is that you double the base pdef (pdef only from cards and gears). Pdef from VIT and STR do not count.
DEMON: 20% chance to avoid debuff for 15 seconds right after successfully casting Demon Verdant Shell. This is similar to sin's Tidal Protection.

*Absorb Soul:
SAGE: gain 20 chi upon successful hit
DEMON: 80% chance to interrupt target's channeling

SAGE: reduce the exp loss by 95%. Example: a level 15 character who has done his lvl 9 culti died from mobs with Sage Res on. He supposedly loses 5% exp when he chooses to revive in town. However, he chooses to use the Res buff instead, and he only loses (5 * 5) / 100 = 0.25% exp.
DEMON: upon ressurect from the death, the target has hp and mp back to full (no hp and no mp charm ticking)

*Gale Force:
SAGE: 100% chance to reduce enemies speed by 70% for 3 seconds
DEMON: 85% chance to freeze enemies, and 50% chance to seal enemies. The chance counts separately for each mob. Level 10 Gale Force has 50% chance on each seal and freeze.

*Comforting Mist:
SAGE: reduce the mp cost by 15%. Same explanation as Sage Devil Chihyu.
DEMON: 35% chance to AoE purify. The chance counts separately for each person in squad. Example: A squad consists of a demon mystic, a barb, a cleric, a sin, and a BM doing TT 2-3. General Feng uses the AoE HP debuff and debuff the whole squad. The mystic uses Demon Comforting Mist to purify. Since it only has 35% chance to purify, the mystic notices that only 2 people get purified, while the 3 others don't.

*Wood Mastery:
SAGE: increase wood damage by 25%. Wood Mastery doesn't affect pets and plants damage. It doesn't affect Absorb Soul damage as well.
DEMON: increase critical hit rate by 2%. Plants and pets cannot do critical damage. I haven't tested this but.. Absorb Soul 1.3x multiplier damage may be affected by Demon Wood Mastery (Absorb Soul would have 3 * 2% crit  multiplier = 6% crit multiplier).

*Bramble Tornado:
SAGE: 25% chance to consume no chi. The description is VERY obscure for this skill. How the actual skill works is that when you cast Sage Bramble Tornado, you will gain 30 chi first (if the sage proc works). Then, you spend 30 chi afterwards. So, it looks like you spend no chi at all, when in actuality you still spend 30 chi no matter what version your Bramble Tornado is. Example: A sage mystic has 3 sparks and 99 chi (full sparks bar). She uses Sage Bramble Tornado on a mob. She still loses 30 chi eventhough the sage proc works because when she received the 30 chi, she couldn't hold any more chi in her chi bar. So, she gains 0 chi, and spends 30 chi afterwards. A better view to observe this is to use Sage Bramble Tornado when you have 3 sparks and 89 chi. Use Sage Bramble Tornado. If the sage proc works, your chi ends up being 3 sparks and 69 chi afterwards.
DEMON: knockback the target for 13 meters long from where the target initially at

*Energy Leech:
SAGE: gives anti-stun buff for 9 seconds. Energy Leech can be used without summons. The anti-stun buff can be purged.
DEMON: 50% chance to increase your speed by 60%. The speed effect lasts for 10 seconds. The anti-stun effect lasts for only 6 seconds. The speed buff is overwritten by holy path.

*Rapid Growth:
SAGE: 25% chance to reset Sage Rapid Growth cooldown. It means you can use this skill back to back (spammable) everytime the sage proc works.
DEMON: reduce the channeling time by 30% (aka -30% channeling)

SAGE: deals additional 1500 damage per plant. Thicket hits for 4 times (1 from each plant). Each plant does 1500 more damage.
DEMON: 25% chance to cause curse debuff (HF debuff) for 9 seconds. The chance counts per plant. In actuality, if all 4 plants hit the same target, the chance is closer to 50% because each plant hits has 25% chance to cause debuff. The curse debuff is overwritten by Heaven's Flame (BM) and Demon Parasitic Nova (Veno).

SAGE: reduce mp cost by 10% (same explanation as Sage Devil Chihyu). Increase the total duration to 23 seconds from 20 seconds. Basically, Cragglord just deals 3 more auto attack since his aps is 1.00 per second. If Cragglord uses skill during the 3 seconds timeframe, he can cast 1 more skill and 1 more auto attack/none depends on which skill he uses (assuming there's no lag here).
DEMON: 25% chance to cost 1 spark. Please read Sage Bramble Tornado for the skill mechanic.
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